“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu
Interpersonal Group Therapy
Interpersonal Group Therapy can be a rich and profound experience. By participating, the members will have a structured and safe environment where they can examine their individuality within a group setting. Through interactions with others, each member will also learn about their strengths and vulnerabilities in relation to others. These groups can be time-limited or ongoing.
The group leader’s task is to provide safety to the group members so that they can explore and experience the described process in a non-threatening setting.
Issues typically addressed in these groups are:
Support | Anxiety | Depression | Trauma | Grief
Interpersonal Dynamics | Developmental Life Transitions Psychological and Emotional Growth
Repeated Unhealthy Patterns
Consultation Group for Clinicians
Based on the parallel process model, and with an intersubjective approach, these groups assist the clinician to understand the patient, and the treatment process through the exploration of the countertransference, projective identification, and the interaction of the group members in response to the case presented. The group members assist in the unfolding of this process by their own participation. This is a powerful model through which the participants internalize the learning in an experiential and integrative manner.
Existing Interpersonal process groups:
Wednesdays: 7– 8:30 p.m. 8 adults – mixed-gender – accepting new members
Mondays: 6 – 7:30 p.m. 8 adults – mixed-gender – accepting new members
Will consider forming special subject groups, i.e., WOMEN’S, grief, parenting, etc., per request.
Each group will begin with 5 enrollments and will continue accepting members until full. A four-month commitment is required.
Interested, and curious parties are encouraged to contact me with any questions and or to make an appointment for an interview to determine whether or not any of these groups suit their needs.